Abdul Shomad Isra, 3R Games Entrepreneur, was born on the 20th day of June in the year of 1977. By the year 2008, Abdul started him first online business. The amazing thing about his starting an online business at the time is that he was a confusing, not even being familiar about Internet Marketing. Naturally, though, Abdul faced the challenge and learned as much as she possibly could about the internet and all the basics on how an individual could become successful in his line of work. By the month of February in the year of 2009, Abdul learn Internet Marketing on ......read more
Executive Summary about Super Mario Games by Ivan A Cuxeva
Certainly Super Mario has opened our eyes for decades, ever since it became public, super Mario has captured the attention of a young generation of video game players who used Nintendo's equipment.
Some of the Super Mario games which were transferred include:
Super Flash Mario: This game was transferred to the web using the flash technology which gives it a look and feel extremely close to the original version; some may even say that it is the best version available on the web today.
Other versions of this game include: rampage, spug shock, star catcher, infinite Mario, and Sunshine 64.
If you haven't played all of these versions then you will love the way you can use the web to access your favorite versions of this great game, however you will definitively need to put some time aside because as you know the worlds are incredibly large and beating the game without making a mistake can take you several hours.
Reminiscing the Classic Super Mario through Super Mario Flash Games
Executive Summary about Super Mario Games by Bunny
If you were a Super Mario fan, then you would have enjoyed playing different Super Mario Versions being released time and time again. This Super Mario Flash Game is a cool remake of the original Super Mario game. Being able to reminisce all the Super Mario games would be exciting and interesting.
In this particular game titled Super Mario World Revived, all the enemies of Mario are gathered in different scenes combined into one. No matter what Super Mario game you choose, these flash games are worth trying out; for each has its own unique game features that might suit you.
A classic game will always be remembered and revived, and surely, we know for now that any games related to the Classic Super Mario are well worth our time playing.
Other related article: Play Mario and Mario Online
3 comment thanks
If you were a child of the 80's like me, you probably played your first video game on the Atari or Nintendo Family Computer. Those were the days before Playstation, Xbox and Wii. Either you owned an Atari or Family Computer, or you know somebody among your neighbors or friends who owned an Atari or Family Computer and you went to their houses to play.
Posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:25:00 PM
love mario....my childhood's fav game...
Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 3:24:00 PM
@Video Games History <<<< Yes... the first game is gameboy and atari. I am agree with you
@Naomi Jane <<<<< Mario is favorite games for children So? :-)
Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 7:21:00 PM
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